The Cult of Sabazius in Thrace. Problems
Studies on the History of Ancient Religions, IX
Sabazius, Hypsistos, Apollo, Ancient ThraceAbstract
The uncertainty about the nature and homeland of Sabazius in the ancient tradition has given its reflection in modern historiography, must be attributed above all to the fact that accounts of this ancient cult are relatively very late - the earliest primary written sources are from the 4th century BC. They record the encounter of the Balkan Greeks with a Phrygian god alien to them, with the even more alien name of Sabazius. But, again, as their accounts show, the Thracians used this name for their god, the Orphic Dionysus. I believe that the ancient reports of the cult used here, juxtaposed with the interpretation of the epigraphic and cult monuments of Sabazius, Hyupsistos and Apollo from the Balkan lands and Asia Minor, can also be the basis for a new hypothetical retrospection to a time for which we have no certain source data.
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G. I. Каzаrov. RE, VI А, 1936, koJ. 495, s. v. Thrake (Religion).
Ат. Милчев. Цит. съч., с. 48 сл.
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Т. Сарафов. Тракийските сатри. Год. Соф. унив., Фак. зап. фил., т. 67, 1973, кн. 1, с. 121 сл.
П. Горбанов. Цит. съч., с. 14, бел. 5.
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Сhr. Вlinkenberg. Archaologische Studien. Leipzig-Kopenhagen. 1908, р. 75, fig. 4; р. 99, fig. 41.
Пак там, с. 105; П. Горбанов. Цит. съч:., с. 16.
Vzh. napr. u At. Milchev. Kam kulta na Sabaziy v Dolna Mizia i Trakia. - God. Sof. univ., Ist. fak., t. 66, 1972/73, s. 37 sl., kadeto e predadena podrobno na balgarski ezik literaturata po vaprosa v zadgranichnata istoriografia do sedemdesette godini na veka.
G. I. Kazarov. RE, VI A, 1936, koJ. 495, s. v. Thrake (Religion).
At. Milchev. Tsit. sach., s. 48 sl.
P. Gorbanov. Za haraktera na figuralnite pametnitsi i nyakoi aspekti na negovia kult. - Arheologia, 19, 1976, kn. 4, s. 13 sl. Avtorat ne e vzel pod vnimanie novite mnenia za epitetite; Vzh. B. Gerov. Prouchvania varhu istoriyata na zapadnotrakiyskite zemi. God. Sof. univ., Fak. zap. fil., t. 62, kn. 2, s. 190; L. Robert. Hellenica. 7. Paris, 1959, r. 46.
T. Sarafov. Trakiyskite satri. God. Sof. univ., Fak. zap. fil., t. 67, 1973, kn. 1, s. 121 sl.
P. Gorbanov. Tsit. sach., s. 14, bel. 5.
Literaturata po vaprosa vzh. u M. Tacheva-Hitova. Za bronzovata raka na Dolihen ot Bizone. - Arheologia, 16, 1974, kn. 2, s. 23 sl.
Shr. Vlinkenberg. Archaologische Studien. Leipzig-Kopenhagen. 1908, r. 75, fig. 4; r. 99, fig. 41.
Pak tam, s. 105; P. Gorbanov. Tsit. sach:., s. 16.
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Annual of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Faculty of History (GSU-IF).