Women's organization in Bulgaria in the period of National revival
Women, Bulgarian women, Bulgarian national revival, women's societiesAbstract
The socio-economic and cultural changes in the Bulgarian Revival era touched all components of society, posing new tasks to each of its members. The changes related to the position and social functions of women were particularly intense.
During the Renaissance, the Bulgarian woman walked a complex and difficult path from the unenlightened everyday life to the light of knowledge and education, from the domestic hearth to the fire of national struggles. Retaining the best national traits formed by centuries and preserved during slavery, the Bulgarian woman strives to develop new qualities to meet the demands of the times.
After the Crimean War, the revival processes intensified in Bulgaria. The reasons for this are well known and we will not dwell on them. It is interesting to know how these new phenomena affected the development of women in Bulgarian society. First of all, her role in the family grew. It is the task of the Renaissance mother to educate the man of the new times, to instil in him a freedom-loving spirit, a readiness for self-sacrifice and public expression. Thus she became a major factor in the struggle for the consolidation of Bulgarian identity. This gave rise to a new attitude towards it. There began to be feverish talk about the necessity of women's education, because only an enlightened mother could educate her children to strive for knowledge and freedom.
По възпитанието на жените. - Ружица, 1, 1871, кн. 1, с. 1; Писмо до Фани. - Училище, 1, 24 ян. 1871, кн. 5, с. 75; Жената. - Македония, 111, № 35, 26 юли 1869; За нашите жени. - Свобода, 1, № 6, 11 дек. 1874.
Към българските майки. - Стопан, III, бр. 1, ян. 1876.
За образованието на женский пол. - Право, IV, № 43, 20 дек. 1869.
Свобода, 1, № 6, 11 дек. 1869; Право, IV, No 49, 31 ян. 1870.
Свобода, 1, № 1, 7 ноем. 1869.
Българката през Възраждането. С., 1964.
Сто години от основаването на.първите дружества на жените в България. С., 1957; Революционното женско движение в България. С., 1973.
Бележити българки-ратнички за родната ни култура. С., 1937.
Българката през Възраждането. Образователни и възпитателни проблеми. С., 1940.
НАБАН, сб., оп. 1, а. е. 76; Д. Иванова. 100 години от основаването на женските дружества у нас.
ОДА - ВТ, ф. 931, оп. 1, а. е. 382; Й. Кулелиев. Бележки за женските дружества и училища в България преди Освобождението.
Po vazpitanieto na zhenite. - Ruzhitsa, 1, 1871, kn. 1, s. 1; Pismo do Fani. - Uchilishte, 1, 24 yan. 1871, kn. 5, s. 75; Zhenata. - Makedonia, 111, № 35, 26 yuli 1869; Za nashite zheni. - Svoboda, 1, № 6, 11 dek. 1874.
Kam balgarskite mayki. - Stopan, III, br. 1, yan. 1876.
Za obrazovanieto na zhenskiy pol. - Pravo, IV, № 43, 20 dek. 1869.
Svoboda, 1, № 6, 11 dek. 1869; Pravo, IV, No 49, 31 yan. 1870.
Svoboda, 1, № 1, 7 noem. 1869.
Balgarkata prez Vazrazhdaneto. S., 1964.
Sto godini ot osnovavaneto na.parvite druzhestva na zhenite v Bulgaria. S., 1957; Revolyutsionnoto zhensko dvizhenie v Bulgaria. S., 1973.
Belezhiti balgarki-ratnichki za rodnata ni kultura. S., 1937.
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NABAN, sb., op. 1, a. e. 76; D. Ivanova. 100 godini ot osnovavaneto na zhenskite druzhestva u nas.
ODA - VT, f. 931, op. 1, a. e. 382; Y. Kuleliev. Belezhki za zhenskite druzhestva i uchilishta v Bulgaria predi Osvobozhdenieto.

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Annual of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Faculty of History (GSU-IF).